Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Hi, everyone.
My name is Tian'en Wan, you can also call me Charles or even Chuck! I am in the department of General Studies. The reason why I chose the department of General Studies is I believe that what I am going to study will not only be my major but also will be my interest, and I am going to enjoy it instead of just study it.
This is the first time that I write a blog so officially (before I just share what I am doing and what I am thinking to my family). It just feel so weird but I am going to get used to this blog.
I have been abroad for a long time before but it was totally different from this. Last time was with my parents and I didn’t have to worry about everything, but now I have to learn how to take care of myself and my friends around me. Life here is totally different from where I came from—Beijing. There is no tall and huge building here that can cover the sky; there is no mountain around the city so that the weather change so sudden that I almost got wet every days after I arrived here. There are so many difference that I still can’t get used to all those changes even though I have been here for a week.
I have met a lot of new friends here in this week. They all are very nice!!! We did tons of things this week to live better in this new environment. We shared a family plan for phone number and we cooked Chinese food almost every days!!! I posted some pictures of our food on the internet and there were many other Chinese students comment under my pictures and they said that they want to join us. Another friend said that they can even smell our food on the lobby of our stage:)
I kind of miss my family and my hometown right now:( but I believe that everything will be ok.


  1. Charles, please share your food photos with us, too. I wish you could have to taste your food in class sometime this semester. If you don't mind, can you change the default language of your blog into English?

  2. I have been to Beijing six years ago. However, I was not able to see some scenery view because of Olympics. Hope someday I can go there again!!

  3. What's your high school? I've done my high school in Beijing- Beijing National Day School? Glad to meet you!

  4. Hey Charles! I like your idea that you study general education to enjoy it rather than to score high marks only. I think that this is a key for success in the future because it is hard for a person to succeed if he’s not interested in what he’s doing. Also, I wish I would visit Beijing in the future and I hope you like the new life style in the US. Good luck.
    -Zaid Al-Bardan

  5. Hi Wan! This is Suisse! We are in the same Math 231 Wechat group! It's so nice to meet you at ESL 115 again! I had became the chief of my friends ( of course they in charge of the dish washing). We cook in our department too. Maybe we can share the food we cooked next time.

  6. Hi Chuck, what a special name :) I planned to learn how to cook this summer, but my schedule was full, I did not make it :( . I will not decline it if u invite me to visit your cooking group. I went to Beijing before, I love it. metropolitan VS country, U really need time to adjust. I am sure we can be good friends.

  7. Hi Charles! Nice to meet you! Beijing is a great city, it has held 2008 Olympic Games, and it was very successful. I hope we can have a great time together!

  8. Hi Charls nice to meet you, I'm Nicolas. Dude I just think that your profile picture is very comic, very well taken. Keep it up!

  9. Hi Charles, everything WILL be okay. Just takes time (: You have a lot of friends over here, I guess that helps a little with the homesick and stuff? Anyways good luck in the upcoming year(:

  10. HI, I am from Wuhan. uiuc is a great school but I hate the weather here. And I love the food in China but I cannot cook it. That is why I always lose weight in America. I guess this is a good thing on the other side.

  11. Hi, This is John. I like how you chose your major that you are trying to enjoy the subject. Instead of just studying it and having stresses. :))

  12. Hi Tian, I'm Shuyang Jin from China, I can't agree with you more that we should study due to our own interest! And I think life here is different from that I imagined before I came here, I found that there are a lor of things I need to learn and get used to, but this is how a person grow up, isn't it?
