Monday, September 1, 2014


From my memories, my earliest memory of writing was about writing diaries and excerpt exercises. When I was 6, my Chinese teacher gave me assignments to write diaries on each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; and do excerpt exercises on each Tuesday, and Thursday. At that time, I didn’t have any skills to write so I just wrote down what happened every days from morning to night. I had my first writing course in grade 3. My teacher taught me to write in three part: introduction part, body part, and conclusion part. My teacher told me that I should not write my argument or my main point in the first paragraph, because I should leave some clue to let readers to discover. In China, we don’t write down our main point directly, we always give our main point in the conclusion. But when studying writing in English, I must always give out the main point in the introduction part. American people like to go directly to the main point, but in China, we like to conclude our topic in the last paragraph. In China, readers like to discover the main thesis on their own, that give them the interests to keep reading. But writing in English is totally different, I do not get after people knows the main statement, why they keep reading. In my point of view, to read is to discover the main idea that the writer want to express. I think it is interested to find out the main thesis by myself. I think the hardest part for me while writing in English is to change my Chinese writing style to English writing style. I always want to write my mainly point of view at last. Now I have to get used to English writing style. Also, sometimes it is hard to understand the slang in writing.


  1. My earliest memory about writing was also about writing diaries. At that time, we do not need to think about the structure of writing. We only need to figure out how to express our feelings and funny stuff. I also agree with your opinion that " it is interesting to find out the main the is by myself"!

  2. We have similar experience about our earliest writing experience.My earliest memory about writing was writing diaries as well. I agree with you that Chinese writing style is different from English writing style, especially in where to put the main idea. Chinese writing usually put the main idea in the body paragraphs or in the conclusion, howerver, English writing always put there thesis statement in the introduction.

  3. Hey Wan,
    I had the same of writing diary entries like you! I agree with your view that the more you read,the more you discover.I think you are right in saying that its difficult to change a writing style you have been learning since childhood.

  4. Hi Wan

    Your description of the Chinese writing style sounds very interesting. It looks like writing in Chinese could be very flexible and open to varied interpretations, even in formal papers such as an argumentative essay. So I guess I’m curious to what the format is when it comes to writing an essay, especially in the introduction, and also how you manage that leaning towards the ambiguity inherit to the writing style.

    I’m looking forward to your response
