Sunday, September 21, 2014

I have been here in campus for 1 month already. Actually, the weather is not as great as Beijing, even though the air pollution is much more less than Beijing. The weather here can change too fast that I cannot even imagine. I always find out that it rains heavily outside after class and I did not bring my umbrella with me. After two times being like a drenched chicken, I always remember to take the umbrella with me. BUT this is not enough! Once the wind was so strong that my umbrella was broken by the wind, and once again, I was like a drenched chicken. In the following days, the weather become so cold that I did not even want to get out of my quilt in the morning. Then I decided to buy a coat to fight with the weather. Unfortunately, the weather is becoming warmer than before when at the day when my jack arrived! I do not know what I can do with the weather because it is so weird!! But the landscape is so beautiful that I took photos every days. I do not know what it will look like when it begin to snow. But I believe that it will become more beautiful than what I see now. Here are some of my picture and I hope you guys enjoy it!!! I took those picture with my phone, I believe that if I have a single lens reflex camera, the picture will be better. However, I do not have money to get one. I will keep posting my picture on this blog and I hope you guys can follow me in my Instagram where I put most of my picture on. My user name is wan_ttt and also, you can follow my facebook or twitter, but I don’t use them often.


  1. Great pictures! I'll definitely follow you on instgram

  2. The weather is troublesome sometimes indeed.
    I love your pictures! They are so beautiful!

  3. lol I feel bad for you and your umbrella:/ Have fun in such changing weather! (:

  4. Nice picture of a thunder :)) Wonder how you got that moment.

  5. I like the picture of the thunder.

  6. I haven't noticed uiuc can be this beautiful.

  7. Have you tried getting a weather app?

  8. I guess the quality of umbrella is not so good....hahahahaha

  9. The pictures you took look amazing! I agree with you that the weather here is so unpredictable.
