Sunday, October 5, 2014

Summary of the first month

I got a lot of knowledge during my first month in the U.S., I learned a lot of things, especially English. Not only I learned English from daily life, but also I improved it from ESL class. During the time learning the first Unit, academic writing become more familiar to me than before. This was not the first time that I wrote a diagnostic essay, but this was the first time that I wrote drafts for a diagnostic essay. When I compare my first and last drafts, I am very happy and proud of myself. All the differences between those two drafts are signs of my improvement.

  The most important knowledge that I learned from this unit is not about how to write a good essay, but is about plagiarism. In China, we do not pay so much attention about using other’s ideas or copying other’s words. But in this month, I realized the seriousness and the dangerousness about plagiarism. I didn’t know that I will be expel of the university if I use other’s idea. I used to read others work in China to find inspiration, but now I know that the serious and dangerous consequence, and I won’t do that again.

If I can improve more about my essay, I think I would work harder with punctuation and connecting words. I always write one sentence after one without connecting words and ending with an “.”. If I can change this problem, I think I can write beautiful essays.

  I think I still have some difficulty with coherence and cohesive. I often confuse with those two things. It is difficult for me to understand what a long and full of difficult words sentence’s meaning and then summarize it, especially for me, a person witch English is not my born language.

  I think what I learned from ESL classes is very useful for my future writing. All I learn in this class may apply to not only my major, this can be applied to all subjects. I will benefit from this class for all my life.


  1. Hi, I agree with your point about plagiarism. We intrenational students need to set up a better habit of citation and quotion as the rule of plagiarism here is much more strict. I think such practice is good for us as we need to respect others' points and we also need to use our own brain to bring about our own points.

  2. Hi Wan, although I didn't mention it on my blog, I think that what we learned about plagiarism is probably one of the most useful things we've learned in ESL. Similar to you, when I was in Colombia I didn't pay much attention where I gathered information, and so I wouldn't bother citing anybody's ideas. However, as I started to enter formal writing classes (ESL 115) I realized how necessary citing was either in English or Spanish or any language.

  3. I agree that plagiarism is an imoportant lesson we learn. Especially after I knew the consequences

  4. I agree with you that plagiarism is really important. In China, people do not pay much attention on plagiarism, but in U.S. plagiarism is a really serious problem.
