Sunday, October 26, 2014

Reflection 5

During the past few weeks, we were working on the pre-research portfolio and the process was long, hard, and time-consuming. Although the process was difficult, I still learned a lot of things. Before today, I never thought that a pre-research could use me so much time. Before, I never spent more than 1 days in one research, but now, I spent several days and nights on a pre-research! I could not imagine that!
  For me, the most tough and difficult part for me was choosing the topic. As a person with choice phobia, I always hesitated between several topics. I was interested in all of them but I did not know which one I should focus on. I had not decided which topic should I use until the last minute. At the beginning, I chose How to Prevent Harmful Algal Blooms as topic, then I did a lot of research on this, and I could not find too much information on google. However, I learned how to use university library database to do research. I did find a lot of research in school database after searching for a long period of time, but all the organizations cannot give me different solutions, and some of the organizations give me a lot of chemical things that I do not understand. So I decided to change my topic to How to Prevent Underage Drinking.
I have learned a lot in this chapter. It is pretty hard to find some good articles by myself, but after learning how to use school library database, I do not need to spend hours after hours on searching a good article. Also, by using the skills teaching in scanning and skimming, I can read much faster than before. This skills really help me with finding articles.
I cannot imagine how difficult will the next chapter will be because this chapter is just a pre-research for the next chapter. But I will not be panic or flurried. I will success in this class.


  1. I agree with you that the searching part is time consuming and painful. However, it actually save our time for the next unit because all we need to do is to paraphrase and quote the papers we already found!

  2. I agree with you that the library databases are really helpful. Also, finalizing the topic was a hard job for me also. I also spent a lot of time on my pre- research although initially I thought that it would be really easy. I appreciate how honest you seem in expressing your views. Yes, I also agree that we learned a lot from this experience, no matter how irritated and boring we felt while working towards it.

  3. I feel sympathy that finding relevant articles to our research topic was a challenging part. For instance, there were a lot of scientific terms in my relevant articles. It was painful when going over all those articles. But this progress we did so far will pay off at the end of our final research project!

  4. I completely agree with the feeling regarding choosing topics among several topics Eventually I just chose a topic which seems more easily to be developed into a research paper instead of finding something I was interested, since I also did not find enough information for my interested topic!

  5. I agree with you that the library database is really helpful. It can help us to find sources which related to our topics. In addition, it is also really important that how to choose good sourcces among all the sources related to topic.
